Saturday, September 5, 2009

Unit tests and the Layers Pattern (part 3)

Last time we looked at the layers for my OPC UA client project without going into too much details. For convenience I have repeated the diagram below.

Interface (Java) : (Unit tests)
Logical (Java) : Unit tests
Low-level access : |
Java : |
JNI (ANSI C++) : V
C++/CLI : |
C# : Unit tests

Lets describe the layers into a little bit more details:


As described in part 1 this is were you define the public API for the module. In my Java code this is made up mostly of Java interfaces. In C++ I would use pure abstract classes. The interface also defines things like Enum and constants that are part of the interface. In my project this is in a separate group of package (namespace) and one could go as far as putting this in a totally separate projects. Putting the interface in a separate project helps make he separation between the interface and the rest of the code even more explicit and this helps to avoid some type of errors were the interface is contaminated with implementation elements from other layers. In my case I kept all the Java code in the same project and it went fairly well.


The logical layer is the part that uses the low-level access layer to implement actual business logic. Things like:

if (parameterX.value == aSpecificValue)
// Do something
// Do something else call a UA MethodY()

In this layer I actually have a state machine that switches state and takes different action based on parameter values. The logical layer uses other sublayers (configuration persistence, ...) but we won't go into those details here because it would make things too complicated. This layer contains a good number of unit tests (horizontal).

Low-level access

This layer defines an interface of its own. In my case this interface is not visible from outside the module. It defines the following method:

  • read one or more parameters

  • write one or more parameters

  • call UA methods

  • subscribe for update notification for one or more parameters

  • fetch data updated through the subscription mechanism

The only code in this layer is the code necessary to use the UA framework to perform the tasks listed above. And in fact the only part that contains more complicated logic is the part that manages the subscription and this is mainly a kind of smart queue mechanism. This code is the part responsible for most of the unit tests located directly in the layer (horizontal).

Parting comments

I want to emphasize that except for the sublayers in the low-level access layer the layers have nothing to do with the use of different languages. The same layers would have been present with an all Java module. In other words if a Java OPC UA framework had been available in a sufficiently advanced state for my project the layers would have been the same.
Next time we will keep exploring the layers and how the unit tests were structured.

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